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Adding the clickTAG via Adobe Edge tool

Adding a clickTAG to Adobe Edge Animate banner consists of these steps:

1. Include Adform HTML library :

Adobe Edge Add Js

2. Open code editor Window > Code. Choose Stage element (or any other element you want to add a clickTAG to) and choose to add ‘click’ handler:

Adobe Edge Add Click

3. Insert Adform’s clickTAG code to the handler:
dhtml.getVar('clickTAG', ''), 
	dhtml.getVar('landingPageTarget', '_blank')

Adobe Edge Add Clickfunction

 More info about Adform HTML banner clickTAGs can be found here.

Done - Adform clickTAG inserted.

Note: When testing the banner locally, after click you will be landed to the fallback value ( ) and when uploaded to Adform, the landing page will be received from assigned value in the system. 

 Note: Only the published part should be uploaded to the system. Usually that can be found in Edge’s project folder: publish/web/