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Manually creating manifest.json


Each HTML5 banner, prepared for the Adform System, should be archived as a ZIP file. The ZIP should contain:

1) A metadata file called manifest.json:

Manifest.json defines banner parameters as name, description (maximum 500 characters), dimensions, events, clicktags and source. These parameters are parsed and registered in Adform system once the banner zip is uploaded to assets.

    "version": "1.0", 

    "title": "300x250 Example Banner", 
    "description": "optional string",  

    "width" : "300", 
    "height": "250", 

    "events": {
        "enabled": 1, 
        "list": { 
            "1": "myEventName1",
            "2": "myEventName2",
            "3": "myEventName3"

    "clicktags": {
        "clickTAG": "",
        "clickTAG2": ""

    "source": "yourbanner.html"

The events in  banner can be enabled - 1 or disabled - 0. If there are custom events you want to use, please define them in an events list section on manifest file. 

Your banner might also contain multiple clickTAG instances. If so - then you define all of them in a clickTAGs section on manifest.json file.

manifest.json and the defined main html source inside it should be located at a root directory of a zip. Otherwise the system will not be able to extract all zip correctly and on upload you will get an error. Also, total banner weight is measured when unzipped.


2) An .html source, with the same name defined in a manifest. It is recommended to use just 1 html source per banner.

3) A js sources like jquery, greensock animation libraries, components, etc., could be included to banner. You may include library as local asset located on some directory or you could include external library source.

4) Other assets like images, fonts, xmls, etc., could be taken from local directories or from external paths.