Banner naming conventions

When exporting the files from Adform Studio or supplying the files to the media agency in general, please make sure that all files for each creative unit are added to a single zip file and then please name the zip file with the below naming convention and supply the zip to your media agency contact.
The media agency will then supply that zip and the media plan to Adform for trafficking. Please supply all creative at least one week before the activity is due to go live.
E.g. rimmelrange_advertorial_300x250_creative1_version1
Please note that the total Character limit in Adform for the creative name is 99 characters.
The following table shows the possible names that can be used for the various fields shown in the convention above. Please do not use blank spaces and please limit the use of special characters in the free text fields.
Master Brand
Format Type
Creative Size
Ad/Creative Name
Copy Name
addidasfemale adidasmale adidasrange agedefy alexandermcqueen astor balenciaga bossbottled bottegavenetapourhomme bourjoishealthymix bourjoisrange bourjoisrougeeditionvelvet bourjoisrougelaque bourjoisvolumereveal bozzano brunobanani cenourabronze cerruti chloe chloesignature calvinkleinobsessed ckone clairol clairolprofessional coolwater covergirl daisy davidbeckham decadence eaudelacosteL1212 education embrace escada eternity euphoria guccibamboo gucciflora gucciguilty guccimakeup guess horizon hugo hugoboss hugobossthescent jamesbond jovanmusk kadusprofessional katyperry kolestonretail lacoste lancaster lancasterrange lancastersolaire lancastersunsport lovestory manhattan maxfactor maxfactorfacefinity maxfactorfalselasheffect mexx mexxcitybreeze mexxlimitededition misssporty miumiusignature monange naturalinstincts nautica newyorkcolor nice'neasy nioxin nioxinprofessional opi philosophy playboy playboykingqueens playboynightmale rimmel rimmeleyebrow rimmelfacerange rimmelfreshskinfoundation rimmelmagnifeyes rimmelprovocalips rimmelrange rimmelscandaleyes rimmelstaymatte rimmelsunshimmer rimmelsupergel rimmelvolumeshakemascara rimmelwakemeup rimmelwonder risque robertocavalli sallyhansen sebastianprofessional shockwaves softlyjilsander stellamccartney stetson systemprofessional vespa vidalsassoon vidalsassoonretail wellaprofessional wellaretail wellaflex wow
advertorial audiobanner audiooverlay audiotakeover banner cobrandedbanner companionbanner email externallink fanads fee inbannervideo interstitial logo mid-roll nativeunit newsletter package post-roll pre-roll promotedpost research richmediabanner richmediatakeover search skin socialbanner socialposts socialtakeover socialvideo takeover textunit video videooverlay audioonly boostedpost buttons customcreativetype customcontent dynamic expandableretractable risingstars videoautoplayin-page videoautoplaymid-roll videoautoplaypost-roll videoautoplaypre-roll videouserinitiatedin-page videouserinitiatedmid-roll videouserinitiatedpost-roll videouserinitiatedpre-roll
In the case of expandable ads this is the size of the non-expanded panel
(e.g. 468x60)
Free Text
Ad/Creative Name could also be the name of an event or a reference to the campaign or activity to which the ad relates.
(be aware that total naming convention character limit is 99 characters)
Free Text
Copy Name can be a reference to the video asset used, the creative message, tagline or anything unique to this ad
(be aware that total naming convention character limit is 99 characters)