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Adform Viewability Testing Tool

Adform Viewability Testing Tool provides the possibility to get genuine statistics related to banner viewability parameters such as banner viewability in browser's screen, banner exposure time, mouse over count, mouse over time and click count.

To enable Adform Viewability Testing Tool, click the button below:

Go to the website of a media where Adform tags are implemented and Adform Viewability Testing Tool will appear at the bottom of the page. It can be collapsed or closed using icons on the right side. 


Alternatively, click the eye icon (Eye Icon), which appears on Adform banners, in order to open a pop-up window with the testing tool.

View Test Popup

Note that Adform Viewability Testing Tool is supported for Internet Explorer (7+), Mozilla Firefox (3.0+), Google Chrome and Apple Safari browsers. It is not supported for such browsers as Opera and Konqueror.